This idea was conceived by none other than the Mr. Sam Pitroda, the author of Telecom Revolution in India. The whole idea is that when urban India could benefit so vastly in terms of economic and infrastructure development by becoming a back-office to the world economy on account of cheaper labour and infrastructure costs, why not try and make rural India as the Back-office of Urban India for the same reasons.
I was very impressed by this idea the moment I read it in “The Business Line” which to me had much wider ramifications than would be highlighted by mere economics a few of which is cited below.
· This would go a long way in stalling the increasing social and economic gap between urban and rural India.
· This would be of immense help to stem the growth of Terrorists and Terrorism in our country, the seeds of which is mainly sown in the Rural India on the fertile soils of Unemployment and Underemployment in Agriculture sector.
· Alternative sources of employment in rural India would not only take the pressure out of the Agriculture sector, but by making them socially and economically more at par with Urban India, the Rural India would be led to believe that the country cares for them and they are very much a part of mainstream economy. As of now there is definitely a feeling that the Government reaches out to the Rural community only during elections, otherwise the country, the economy and its policies is limited to the benefit of urban India.
Jammu and Kashmir is a typical example where the total lack of promotion of economy has led the people in the state to believe, that they are not treated at par with Indian citizens of other states in India resulting in people taking to terrorism first and then terrorism taking over the people.
· Another major advantage of this idea is that lesser dependence in Agriculture would mean more per capita income from Agriculture which would in turn lead to scientific improvisation in Agriculture practices resulting in improvement in quantity as well as quality thereby more income. So a healthy cycle would be set in motion which would not only improve the Rural economy but would ultimately result in making the large Agriculture sector (in terms of cultivated area) a Science and a Profession rather than just a means of subsistence as it is right now.
All these can be made a reality not by the Government of India but only by the India Inc. and why not since they are going to be the biggest beneficiaries out of this idea too. So let us see whether India Inc. behaves like a child who agrees to drink milk and eat fruits only for an incentive or does it act on its own understanding its long term benefits.
I was very impressed by this idea the moment I read it in “The Business Line” which to me had much wider ramifications than would be highlighted by mere economics a few of which is cited below.
· This would go a long way in stalling the increasing social and economic gap between urban and rural India.
· This would be of immense help to stem the growth of Terrorists and Terrorism in our country, the seeds of which is mainly sown in the Rural India on the fertile soils of Unemployment and Underemployment in Agriculture sector.
· Alternative sources of employment in rural India would not only take the pressure out of the Agriculture sector, but by making them socially and economically more at par with Urban India, the Rural India would be led to believe that the country cares for them and they are very much a part of mainstream economy. As of now there is definitely a feeling that the Government reaches out to the Rural community only during elections, otherwise the country, the economy and its policies is limited to the benefit of urban India.
Jammu and Kashmir is a typical example where the total lack of promotion of economy has led the people in the state to believe, that they are not treated at par with Indian citizens of other states in India resulting in people taking to terrorism first and then terrorism taking over the people.
· Another major advantage of this idea is that lesser dependence in Agriculture would mean more per capita income from Agriculture which would in turn lead to scientific improvisation in Agriculture practices resulting in improvement in quantity as well as quality thereby more income. So a healthy cycle would be set in motion which would not only improve the Rural economy but would ultimately result in making the large Agriculture sector (in terms of cultivated area) a Science and a Profession rather than just a means of subsistence as it is right now.
All these can be made a reality not by the Government of India but only by the India Inc. and why not since they are going to be the biggest beneficiaries out of this idea too. So let us see whether India Inc. behaves like a child who agrees to drink milk and eat fruits only for an incentive or does it act on its own understanding its long term benefits.
Hi everybody. Please feel free to comment. Even criticism would be a compliment.
hari, at 3:57 AM
It would be ideal if the government and the pvt sector provided the infrastructure necessary in rural areas - not just for industries and offices but for the people who will work there... decent housing, etc. Otherwise there's no way rural India will become the "back office" of urban India.
Shammi, at 12:47 PM
hi hari,
I don't know about the back office, but the process is to make technology a friend of all and not like george orwell said, "a friend of big brother."
but you know what the reality is? not very far from here, in thiruvallur, people are struggling to have one square meal a day. i know it for a fact, because i've been to these villages myself. one of my friends is the panchayat president in one of these villages.
Houseowner, at 3:34 AM
As usual a load of ideas within your head. Keep dreaming big and things are bound to happen some day.
Swahilya Shambhavi, at 4:42 AM
Gandhiji said "India lives in her villages" and even in the 21st century that is true. Actually villages are easier to develop and maintain than big cities and I hope at some point of time, we will have a reverse shift to the rural from the urban, from people who are vexed with the stressful life and want to be with nature. That may be the "dark horse" trend of the future, who knows?
Krish, at 9:25 AM
hi hari
are you aware of chennai bloggers meet on 27th of this month??? goto to for more info
Anonymous, at 6:55 PM
Hari, this is perhaps the best write up I have ever read in the recent past . There are millions who crib about everything around them. Government and politics are the easy targets for lazy brains and persons. You have thrown open an immensely potential and powerful plan. We should all come together to work out a modus operandi to move at least one pebble forward in this regard. Anything from me, I shall only be too obliged.
Once again, a fabulous post.Hari my email is there in my site. Kindly write to me.
T.Padmhasini, at 12:26 AM
Hi Hari
A small information. Im back to blogging.
Anonymous, at 8:44 AM
Hey how are you doing? just letting you know that someone from Central America read your blog!
If you feel like visiting mine:
Anonymous, at 3:03 PM
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