Human Needs is a single source of all conflicts, crimes, unhappiness, dissatisfaction etc. on one hand and at the same time it is also a single source of all inventions, discovery, Revolutions, growth, development, modernization etc. on the other.
But should there be a limit to the human Needs, a point of satiation. It is true that a point of satiation in human Needs would lead to stagnation in growth and development not only in terms of invention, discovery, technology and modernization but the most important is that it would restrict the growth of civilization itself. Because Need includes Need to procreate. In that sense, the point of saturation of human Needs would signal the beginning of the end of human race.
On the other hand, the rapid growth of human Needs is bringing about insurmountable miseries, unhappiness and dissatisfaction at all levels of human civilizations. For example at individual levels we see even school going children commit suicide, quoting unfulfilled needs or too much commitments or stress as the reason. This is a typical example of ill-effects of uncontrolled growth of human needs that is consuming even children. When I was going to school I do not remember whether I was even aware of the concept of suicide. Our protest against unfulfilled needs used to extend maximum upto skipping one time meal or a day’s seclusion as no Needs were considered compelling enough to demand a greater sacrifice.
At family levels we see families being split and moral values disintegrating for inheritance of family wealth from a few lakhs of Rupees to even more than one lakh crore rupees as we are seeing in the latest broil in India’s most prosperous business family. Does that mean that a persons needs cannot be satisfied even with one lakh crore rupees. It is indeed devastating. At world level we see countries fighting for money, land, Oil and even intangible items like religion.
So we see that without Needs, there would be an end to the human civilization. But at the same time with the dangerously alarming growth of Needs, the humans are only getting more uncivilized and barbaric, which would again lead to a point of total annihilation of human civilization.
So friends, it is time that we realize that we cannot lead a life of total spirituality without any Needs at all and at the same time we also cannot afford to get caught in this mad chase of growing needs. Coincidentally, in today’s world we are seeing typical examples of decreasing moral values both in cases of totally spiritual people as well as people chasing maximum materialistic gains.
If the human civilization is to continue and evolve in this world and we need to lead a life of relative peace, comfort and happiness we need to have relatively satiable levels of needs and must practice moderate levels of spirituality.
But should there be a limit to the human Needs, a point of satiation. It is true that a point of satiation in human Needs would lead to stagnation in growth and development not only in terms of invention, discovery, technology and modernization but the most important is that it would restrict the growth of civilization itself. Because Need includes Need to procreate. In that sense, the point of saturation of human Needs would signal the beginning of the end of human race.
On the other hand, the rapid growth of human Needs is bringing about insurmountable miseries, unhappiness and dissatisfaction at all levels of human civilizations. For example at individual levels we see even school going children commit suicide, quoting unfulfilled needs or too much commitments or stress as the reason. This is a typical example of ill-effects of uncontrolled growth of human needs that is consuming even children. When I was going to school I do not remember whether I was even aware of the concept of suicide. Our protest against unfulfilled needs used to extend maximum upto skipping one time meal or a day’s seclusion as no Needs were considered compelling enough to demand a greater sacrifice.
At family levels we see families being split and moral values disintegrating for inheritance of family wealth from a few lakhs of Rupees to even more than one lakh crore rupees as we are seeing in the latest broil in India’s most prosperous business family. Does that mean that a persons needs cannot be satisfied even with one lakh crore rupees. It is indeed devastating. At world level we see countries fighting for money, land, Oil and even intangible items like religion.
So we see that without Needs, there would be an end to the human civilization. But at the same time with the dangerously alarming growth of Needs, the humans are only getting more uncivilized and barbaric, which would again lead to a point of total annihilation of human civilization.
So friends, it is time that we realize that we cannot lead a life of total spirituality without any Needs at all and at the same time we also cannot afford to get caught in this mad chase of growing needs. Coincidentally, in today’s world we are seeing typical examples of decreasing moral values both in cases of totally spiritual people as well as people chasing maximum materialistic gains.
If the human civilization is to continue and evolve in this world and we need to lead a life of relative peace, comfort and happiness we need to have relatively satiable levels of needs and must practice moderate levels of spirituality.
Hi everybody.Please feel free to comment. Even criticism would be a compliment.
hari, at 2:00 AM
well from what i read seems you enjoy lateral thinking yourself...
its nice to read such stuff...
i completely agree with what you say here.
if i could put it in a simpler way i'd like to say that:
Its possible to attain permanent happiness without becoming completely spiritual and while living in this materialist world of needs and wants, only if each person recognizes his duty and responsbility in the larger sense".
Unknown, at 3:04 AM
Well said Lavannya. You have summarised the post perfectly. No wonder you blog title reflects your thought process most appropriately.
hari, at 3:38 AM
You are right. however i think we are forgetting to differentiate between needs and wants.Nowadays , wants are converting into irreplacable needs. A vicious circle is forming with society driving ppl to want for more, and the ppl in turn in whole form the soceity.Also defining these importance of these needs gets us into a loop. We need to sit back and evaluate how to ingrain the moral values somewhere into the need system, so we never get pressurised into doing something foolish
Anu, at 4:30 AM
Makes for a great read but I havent had much success really translating this though to practice.
I think a person needs to constantly challenge himself or herself to greater heights and that wont happen without needs and desires. Until that time when the person realises its time to hang the boots, he or she irrespective of the age should strive towards greater goals. The age at which one determines to hang his or her boots is really a matter of choice, circumstances and requirements. It could be 30 for one and 70 for another. But it requires a lot of maturity in the person to do so and no amount of external reading or philosophy can really help.
You gotta figure out when to play your mojo and when to say Goodbye to it :)
The Last Blogger, at 1:27 PM
You are absolutely right. That is why I suggested a moderate level of spirituality in each of us which would help in restricting our wants from becoming needs.
hari, at 9:13 PM
Hi Sowmya,
I had used the term “Needs” in the current day context where there is very little differentiation between essential Needs and luxurious Wants. The Needs of one person might well be a want for another depending on their status and lifestyle. That is why I used the word “Relative” when recommending restricting of Needs. We should always keep in mind that our Needs does not harm, interfere with or restrict others Needs, which is very essential for peaceful existence of all in this world.
hari, at 9:13 PM
The Last Blogger,
I fully agree that without the fire of desires and needs, we cannot inspire ourselves to achieve greater heights and that is what I have advocated too. But I only recommended fixation of relative limits to our Needs, do not take it beyond a point where it begins to cause more hardship to others than good to us. You keep the fire of desire burning in you but only to the extent it helps in achieving noble goals for you. Never let your fire of desire burn others huts or your goals should never be unjustifiable in the eyes of morality.
hari, at 9:14 PM
I dont understand why spirituality is always connected to self-induced poverty. To paraphrase a story I once heard, a person who manages to think of God and do good deeds while living a full life is more fulfilled than someone who gives up worldly things (and in consequence, responsibilities and duty owed to family) just to meditate on God. There's nothing wrong with having needs and wants, as long as you dont trample selfishly over others in fulfilling your wishes. I guess it comes down to self-awareness and self-control.
Shammi, at 6:52 AM
i think it is about what you want to do with power or money, or that you want to do it at all.
this might not be on the same line as ur post, but its tangentially relevant. take, for instance, the sankaracharya episode. the late head o the Math, Chandrasekharendra Saraswati too could have weilded enormous power and influence and could have raked in more moolah than his sucessor in jail could ever have. But he did not. That, to me, is true renunciation. Being within your power to demand or materialise, but you exercise the superior choice of desisting.
Houseowner, at 7:27 AM
Another thought provoking post! Indeed, one has to find a middle path wherein the 'needs' are fulfilled, but 'greed' does not set in!
Deepak Jeswal, at 6:48 AM
Another gud one hari..
Chakra, at 2:27 AM
Hari, thought provoking post.
As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. and we do need to create new things constantly.
I would be really happy if the standard of life of everyone is improved in this process, which sadly isn't.
regarding the tradeoff, one has to be content man. basically even in this age, we can manage without most of the stuff. always comapre with the under-privileged, not with the Ambanis.
saranyan r, at 10:29 AM
Hi Krithi,
You are right and God does guide us and we can feel it if we think of God whenever greed overcomes us. Unfortunately we do not do so and invite unfounded unhappiness.
hari, at 11:29 PM
Hi Shyam,
Total spirituality means complete renunciation of worldly and material desires and wants and it would not be exactly right to term it as self induced poverty. In a life of total spirituality, there can be a scenario where you possess all the material luxuries, but still do not have an attachment or greed towards enjoying them, such that even their loss does not affect your life. True spirituality should be born with you and cannot be inculcated at a later stage which becomes adulterated.
And complete spirituality would also give rise to annihilation of human race, so that is why I advocated moderate spiritualism where you train your mind to be among all worldly pleasures, but still not develop a greed or possessiveness for the same which you rightly described as self-awareness or self-control.
hari, at 11:30 PM
Hi Ramya,
Exactly right. This is just what I replied to Shyam in my previous comment. You should have a spiritual mind and not necessarily have a spiritual clothing, which depicts you to be more religious than spiritual. Good to see the cheers back.
hari, at 12:22 AM
Well said Deepak and thanks Chakra.
hari, at 12:23 AM
Hi Kaush,
You are correct that there are different kinds of people in this world and together they create the balance that helps the human civilization to continue, whether happily and prospering is a different issue. The only point is, the more we have moderate balanced people, the more we could make this world a better place to live in.
hari, at 12:23 AM
Hi Vasanthi,
The levels at which you do not trespass or invade or trouble others needs and reasonable wants is the moderate levels. That way even 10K to a beggar, 10000K to you and 100000 crores to Anil Ambani may not be exactly moderate.
hari, at 12:24 AM
Well said Saranyan. That is what I said practicing spirituality from the mind or heart. It will automatically translated in our needs and deeds too.
hari, at 12:24 AM
Hi Ravi,
Great to see you here. I have used the word “Need” to mean needs and wants both tangible and intangible plane. That is precisely the reason, when I spoke about restricting the Needs, I used the term relative to mean according to the impact of the said “Need”, you may relatively restrict it.
When you talk about the need for love, affection, caring, I do sincerely feel that even these do require a limit or it may in extreme lead to undue possessiveness or dependence towards the affectionate, caring or loving person. The need for too much of love, care and affection may also make a person weak and lack in self-confidence, if you can visualize the situation I am trying to portray.
In the end, you are talking about giving, let me clarify that I was talking about a restriction only on Needs and not on giving. I fully agree with you that, when it comes to giving there should be no limits at all both in tangible and intangible terms, be it love, affection or any material possessions. And “Giving” in the widest of its definitions and connotations would bring in only pleasure, peace, contentment and happiness. But my friend again let me caution here, do give but never with an expectation to receive the same in return. Use the word “Give” in charitable sense and not from an investment angle.
hari, at 12:57 AM
Hi friends. Reading the comments to my post, to the best of my understanding I inferred that the ideal advise for a person would be to have a moderate control and restriction on one’s personal needs and at the same time have a huge heart with insatiable appetite in it to give. Here when I refer to personal needs I mean needs that satisfy only self and not ones that would do good to the world at large.
hari, at 12:58 AM
Hey there Hari,
Loved your post! keep up the thought provoking stories.
Thanks for your lovely post on my comment box as well.Wish you a merry christmas and a very very happy new year. I hope the new year is a good one for you :)
Princess Au Contraire, at 8:36 PM
Hi Kaush,
I am fine with all your blessings, but truly sad for those unfortunate ones.
hari, at 11:13 PM
Hi I'm Trouvaille,
Hmmmm........ Thought provoking indeed. Let me add a lil more to it - If you don't mind. Mostly all bases are covered by you and every one who later commented on the blog. However, one crucial point missed can be well described by the definition of economics - "Man is a Social Animal whose needs and wants are unlimited but the resources needed to satisfy these wants and needs are limited and have alternate uses."
This definition brings out three points -
Man's needs and wants are unlimited.
Resources to satisfy these needs and wants are limited.
These resources have alternate uses.
And it is this last point which according to me is the clinch - Is man a Social Animal or is a Man? The answer is judged by how he puts these scarce resources to use. Does he exploit the resources to fulfill his needs and wants or does he look at the bigger picture.
Now again one can argue that it differs from man to man what he might think as needed and wanted etc etc - There is just one answer to this argument from me - I am no one to judge, God who sees the heart of every man and woman knows what is needed and wanted by every one and He is the Supreme and unpartial judge who can and will do justice.
So according to me - needs and wants whatever they may be for every individual - it boils down to how he or she uses the resources in his hand. I dont know if you know of this paprable in the Bible where the king gives 10 gold coins, 5 gold coins and 1 gold coin to three respective subjects. The one with ten multiplies it to 20, the one who got 5 multiplies it to 10 and the one who got 1 burries it in his backyard. Eventually the king took away even the 1 he had given because this fellow did not put his gift to good use.
Whatever we might be given - we need to use it 'wisely' - its our choices which determine what we are - Man or Social Animal - believe me there's a world of difference between the two.
May I add your blog to my list of few friends in mine? Ciao
Loveena Raj, at 11:30 PM
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